I'm rewriting an application I worked on about a year ago in Python. It's a flashcard app which uses a randomized-picking algorithm on top of Leitner's memorization system.
Does that sound pretentious? It's not :) But it's a pretty easy system. The app has a list of cards (questions/answers) which it places in buckets, according to how many correct guesses the user achieves. As the user guesses better, the cards are displayed less often.
I wanted to replace this with a time-based algorithm; randomization kinda misses the point of Leitner's system.
Anyway, since I'm doing this in Python, and I'm such a big fan of PureMVC, I wanted to give it a try in a dynamically-typed environment.
It works really well. I'm still wiring things together, and working on some tweaks to the UI. I'm hoping to have a functioning copy to post on SourceForge.
I don't understand a single thing in this post. Well, okay, it is a system for memorization, but you'd rather it wasn't random. Right?
ReplyDeleteI posted an answer as a new post :)